New clothes for the new year

Quick pic while it isn’t raining…

Well hello again, thought I’d start the new year with an actual honest to goodness no frills proper blog post. Apparently Instagram is dead, Twitter has sh*t itself & blogs are coming back.* While I’m not sure this is quite the case (although the Instagram algorithms are enough to make a girl drink) I do miss the more detailed form of a blog post. I’m long winded that way…

So what’s been occurring here at Plum Towers ? Rain. Lotta rain. Almost Biblical rain. I may or may not be sending the cats for swimming lessons. But since the weather is rather a tedious topic of conversation (have I mentioned it’s wet?) lets talk sewing instead .

Elastic for the win…

First up is an Assembly Line Cuff Dress. Since I made this Easter off the Cuff top I’ve wanted to make the longer dress version. The key is to use the correct elastic for the cuff (soft) and a firmer elastic for the waistband. I also made sure the elastic sat at the correct spot on my waist. I have a short waist, so I raised the bodice approx. 5 cm, which looks way less frumpy than having it lower down. Despite my measurements putting me in the XL range I actually made a Large (nothing to do with me being a tit & buying the wrong size pattern of course…) I’m actually really happy with the fit, comfortable without being ridiculously oversized.

I have an audience!

The fabric is a soft yet slightly structured Japanese seersucker from Miss Maude, I love it and willfully made absolutely no attempt to pattern match the squares.

Always with the hemming…

My next project is a combo of sale finds and reusing fabric from a doomed make. It pains me to discuss but suffice to say if you spend ages hand sewing the neck & sleeve binding of an (expensive) linen top, don’t then machine embroider the front and back together. Also don’t compound the issue by attempting to unpick it. Instead have a nice comforting swear, pour a bucket of Chardonnay and put the offending item in the corner. A few months later pull out said item & cut it up!

Ok it was starting to rain at this point…

This is the College Gather Top by the Matchy Matchy Sewing Club. Terrible name, great pattern. I’d seen some lovely versions on Dead Insta, and thought it a perfect pattern to use fabric leftovers (which I always seem to have) . The combo here is linen from The Fabric Store in Maple, Sea Green and from the Top of Doom mentioned above, Antique Cream, which I’m not sure they do anymore.

Shake shake shake…

The pattern comes with a cute little drawing to use deciding which fabrics to place where (and individual cut out labels for each piece which is actually super helpful when dealing with different front and back pieces)

Who could resist?

As you can see from above I also added length to the pattern, as I found the front quite short. Fair cop to Millennials but this Gen X gals crop top days have well sailed.

Who doesn’t love a fresh new diary !

I did manage to spend a sunny (yes!) morning out on the deck planning my year. Well, drinking coffee & thinking about planning my year. Mostly just drinking coffee and reminding Mr D he needs to stain the outdoor furniture.

Sixth member of the Band, Organised Spice!

I like to spend at least one day of the Twilight Zone between Xmas & New Year organising my kitchen. Cleaning out the pantry, throwing out anything out of date, reorganising. It sounds terribly Rock n Roll (not!) , but I love heading into a new year with a tidy inspiring space. I can’t control much in life but hell yes I know where the Chai Masala is when I need it!

Xmas haul, yeow!

Speaking of inspiring, check out my Xmas book swag! We have a family tradition started by my English teacher sister of giving each other a book on Xmas Eve (some interesting info on the inspiration for this here ) But of course one is never enough, so I always have a book or five on my Xmas list also.

The Language of Food is right up my alley, history, food , recipes, ELIZA ACTON, what is not to love? Review to come.

I’m aiming to up my hand sewing skills this year , so Make Sew and Mend is the perfect choice to help with that.

I will admit I didn’t get into the Seven Sisters series, but Lucinda Riley’s first and only murder mystery, The Murder at Fleet House certainly has me intrigued. I’m a sucker for anything set in Norfolk, see also the wonderful Ruth Galloway series by Elly Griffith.

Ottolenghi needs no introduction, this book is another corker, I’ve already cooked several recipes, and there will be more. Over the last six months or so we’ve slowly changed our eating habits to include a bit less meat and a bit more vege, having inspiring recipes really makes that easier. I just wish eating more beans and cauliflower were easier on the digestion, Wind from the South ain’t just for Mahjong kids…

Regula Ysewijn (aka Miss Foodwise) first came on my radar years ago when I was blogging about food, she takes wonderful photos and really enjoys talking all things food and history. Her book about British puddings , both sweet and savoury is a joy, I may well make every single one. Ok maybe not the kidney one but everything else…

Simple Fancy is the latest from The Two Raw Sisters, to be honest I think the name does them a slight disservice, this is a not a “raw” cookbook, but another lovely collection of delicious fresh recipes that are heavy on the plants. I have made loads from their earlier book Salad, so anticipate lots of lovely goodness from this one too.

A long way from a café in Paris but rather lovely just the same…

After all this talk of vege and salad virtuousness of course there must be cake. Or in this case sweet little madeleines. In the great Kitchen Clean of 2022 I went through all my baking drawers and rediscovered my darling madeleine tins. For a not very sweet tooth like me these are such a prefect delicate little treat. Brown butter and Sea Salt madeleines, perfect with a cup of tea in the afternoon or a dollop of cream and some berries after supper. Or contemplating life and memories in a Paris café obviously.

I hope wherever you are, 2023 is easing in with appropriate fabulousness. If not, I certainly hope things improve . Between work, personal stuff (for those of you approaching/in the trenches of Menopause I can’t recommend this book highly enough ) and just THE WORLD FFS I’ve found 2022 to be a bit of a slog at times, so here’s to an improved 2023. And lots more blog posts.

Kristina xxx

PS. Given I have four sisters and many misdemeanours against all I REALLY hope none of them are writing a book in 2023… 🙂

* I actually do hope blogs make a comeback. Long winded is good . Unless you’re a Prince maybe?


  1. Anna says:

    Now, this is the BEST news so far this year! I freaking LOVE your blog, and has been so sad to see the move to Instagram. Your blog is funny, with lots of great sewing and brilliant writing. (And I would love for sewing blogs in general to make a massive comeback.) Now, I shouldn’t have an opinion since I hardly ever post at Instagram nor keep up my own blog, but a girl can dream, can’t she..?
    Happy new year from Sweden!


    1. plumkitchen says:

      That’s so kind, thank you Anna 🙂 I had forgotten how much I enjoyed writing it so it’s really lovely to know you are reading & enjoying my ramblings (and YES, here’s to sewing blogs coming back!) x


  2. Sue B says:

    Thanks Kristina for the lovely blog. Really made my Saturday Night. I love the frock too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. plumkitchen says:

      That’s lovely, thanks so much Sue 🙂


  3. says:

    Nice to see you back. Here’s to another great year of sewing. Loved how you refashioned your previous make. Nice save!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. plumkitchen says:

      Thanks Susan, I was quite grumpy with myself so felt good to save at least some of the fabric!


  4. Rhonda says:

    I’ve missed your blog posts! Cute dress and top.


  5. bethindecatur says:

    Love your blog! It’s like a comfortable conversation with a sewing friend. Your makes are lovely too. Hope it quits raining soon.


    1. plumkitchen says:

      Thank you so much, glad you enjoy reading (and yes, we have some sun today, yippee!) 🙂


  6. Megan says:

    Love reading your blog! Especially the sewing, reading, cooking- well, all of it really 🤣. And I do enjoy all your posts on Instagram. Love this sewist community. Happy Sunday!


    1. plumkitchen says:

      Thanks Megan, Id forgotten how much I enjoyed writing them actually , Happy Sunday to you too (sun is finally out here, hooray!)


  7. M Kirby says:

    I broke out in a big smile when I opened my email and saw your picture! I’ve missed seeing your posts. So I laughed and I followed some of your links and then I got caught up in recipes and I had to go find out what Ottolenghi is and then print out a recipe for Slow-cooked Chicken and I checked out the fabric sources and just happily lost a lot of time when I’m supposed to be decluttering my sewing room, which I have decided to name “Great Expectations Studio.” Please send your rain to the States–well, the middle of the US, to be precise.


    1. plumkitchen says:

      What a lovely message, thank you! Although I should apologise for being a distraction (I too should be decluttering my sewing room!)


  8. Arlene says:

    I always enjoy your posts, even when you are picking tomatoes from your garden while it is snowing here in northern New Jersey – lol! I love the pieced top and am going to try it. (All sewers, as we know, have lots of pieces leftover that we just hate to throw out.). Keep up the good work, and enjoying your sewing!


    1. plumkitchen says:

      Thanks Arlene, its really muggy here today, feel free to send some snow! 🙂


      1. Arlene says:

        I would try it, if the cost of shipping wasn’t so high!

        Liked by 1 person

  9. I love your blog posts too. Instagram just doesn’t do it for me. Not enough detail maybe? I certainly wouldn’t have got your information about The Raw Sisters (checking them out next time I’m in Dymocks) if you had done an ig post on the AL cuff dress. Which is gorgeous by the way and I maybe heading to cut one of those out. Thanks for a great post.


    1. plumkitchen says:

      Thanks Rebecca 🙂 Yes I find it too hard to get sufficient detail in an Insta post, enjoy the Raw Sisters , salad weather has finally arrived here today!


  10. Laurpud says:

    It’s so good to see you in my email again! I was getting worried 💜


    1. plumkitchen says:

      Aww thank you, good to be back 🙂


    2. Ros says:

      Thanks for the detailed blog post. Though not for now making me think “hmm maybe the dress pattern ather than the top”. Though reading your 5cm waistline raise as 5 inches caused a wrinkle for a mo. Here’s to 2023


      1. plumkitchen says:

        Now 5 inches would be a look! 🙂


  11. pixiesews says:

    I am happy to see a blog post from you. While I do check insta once in awhile it’s just not the same. I really like both your dress and top. I think your fabric choices keep them from being too cutesy.


    1. plumkitchen says:

      Thanks! Yes I wasn’t sure about the seersucker initially but I actually really like it , stops such a busy print from being too much


  12. Julie Silcock says:

    Welcome back, thank you for an entertaining read. If you’re going to become a regular blogger again, I’ll add you to my blog list on my blog.


    1. plumkitchen says:

      Thanks! How did I not know you had a blog, I really have been off the radar !


  13. Dian says:

    Welcome back you have no idea how much you have been missed. Over here in Scotland your blog was a ray of humour during cold and miserable times. Thank you


    1. plumkitchen says:

      That’s lovely Dian, thank you (& I hope you are staying warm & cosy over there!) xxx


  14. So glad you’re blogging — reading your blog makes me happy!


    1. plumkitchen says:

      Thats really kind Cassandra, thank you! x


  15. Marlene says:

    Always love your posts. You brighten up my day with a bit of laughter and the outfits you sew always impress me. Keep it up please. You’re a bright note in a depressing world!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. plumkitchen says:

      Aw thanks Marlene, your comments brighten my day 🙂 x


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